PC Laughin Cajun
Boon Bar
Dude's Queen
Sun Frost
PC Miss Sun Bars
Miss Girl Bars
Doc's Jack Frost
Prissy Cline
Sun Frost
Leta Drift
Laughing Boy
Surena Reed
PC Laughin Cajun b. 2005
Full sister in blood to PC Cajunova
3/4 sister to
PC Sho Dox Cajun
1D/WPRA Money Earner PC Sho Mo Fame
PC Tessas Cajun
PC Cajun Ambrosia
2016 by Judge Cash
2017 by John Fame
PC Dox Cajun sire of:
PC Cajunistic Performance Sire
PC Cajunized Performance Sire
PC Dox Boondito T4 Performance Sire
KS Cajun Bugs- 1D/ WPRA $50K Plus
PC Miss Sun Bars
full sib to PC Laughing Sundust sire of:
Frosted Cookies 1D/WPRA Money earner
PC Dusty Gin 1D Money
PC Laughin Oakdrift 1D Money Earner
PC Dusty Cline T4 Rodeo Remuda
PC Miss Sun Bars dam of
PC Dash of Frost- TX Circuit Champ Dogging Horse
PC Orrie Oaks
TX HSRA Finals Go Around Barrel Winner
JHSRA Finals Go Around Barrel Winner
PC Mr Sun Oaks- T4 Rodeo Remuda All Around